I'm a convert as well. Yes, it is not perfect lol. We have plenty of problems and scandals. However, so does every other church and institution. It is the consequence of original sin and concupiscence. Yet we have the Eucharist, Mary, and all the rest of it. Even if we have forgotten some of it or our current Pope is not up to snuff. It's all still there. I came in with my eyes wide open. I am glad I did now after over 35 years. Messy it may be, but it is Catholic.

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You are very brave, especially since you live in England. I can’t imagine anybody becoming Catholic these days when the Church’s reputation had been damaged by this Pope, the terrible Novus Ordo masses and the abuse scandals. Yet, there you are, together with many others, converting!

I’m a cradle Catholic and I came back to the Catholic Church after a miracle that happened to me in 2017. I recently began writing on Substack. You can read about what happened to me here: https://esmey.substack.com/p/a-miracle-brought-me-back-to-the

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I went through the same journey. Welcome home!

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Wow, that was strong stuff. However, as a cradle Catholic I have to say you’ll find you were wrong about your expectation that

“I could not go on being lukewarm, skipping my prayers, avoiding charity, cleaving to false consolations…..”

Most of us do that on a regular basis. The confession beckons.

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Thanks for sharing this. I have also been examining the Catholic Church as my American non-denominational juice/wafer communion combo pack seems to becoming more and more stale.

I have only begun my “journey” and investigation so I appreciate your openness in sharing your experience. It was encouraging for me to read.

Personally, my main hang-up is dealing primarily with the authority of the Pope. I mean, some of those guys were downright evil. Also, have you been to Vatican City? The Christ was born in poverty and the Pope sits on a pile of gold. It just seems crazy.

Probably not a big issue that will get resolved as I continue to dig and search, but has been on my mind lately as I start my journey.

Again, thanks for sharing.

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